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Laxey Wheel Conservation secures prestigious award

Mon, 13 Nov 2023

John-Paul Walker (right) accepts Institute of Historic Building Conservation North West Conservation Award, for conservation of the Great Laxey Wheel from Architect Ashley Petit representing the Institute of Historic Building Conservation.
John-Paul Walker (right) accepts Institute of Historic Building Conservation North West Conservation Award, for conservation of the Great Laxey Wheel from Architect Ashley Petit representing the Institute of Historic Building Conservation.

Manx National Heritage have been awarded the Institute of Historic Building Conservation North West Conservation Award for conservation of the Great Laxey Wheel.

The award is presented annually for the project that demonstrates best historic building conservation practice in the North West. 

The logistics of the project as well as the sourcing of the materials were noted as primary considerations in the granting of the award, reinforced by the highly unusual and exceptional nature of the project and the status and significance of the wheel to the Isle of Man. 

In the first phase of the project to conserve the Great Laxey Wheel, old render and defective timbers suffering decay were replaced, ironmongery repaired and the wheel, housing, railings and viewing platform repainted.

Standing static during her conservation, the world famous wheel began turning again in autumn 2022, concluding the first phase of the most comprehensive conservation project completed on Lady Isabella since her restoration almost 40 years ago.

Timbers for the second phase of the project recently arrived on site in preparation for imminent commencement of phase two of the project, in which the Laxey Wheel’s magnificent rod duct and T Rocker will be conserved and repaired.

Members of the public will be able to  follow the progress of phase two on the Manx National Heritage facebook page this winter and on site at Laxey Wheel from March 29.


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