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Ronague to Ballakillowey water main replacement progressing ahead of plan

Mon, 09 Aug 2021

Manx Utilities is progressing with the replacement of a 4km water main at a cost of £1.71 million as part of its investment strategy to upgrade water mains on the Island; and helping to preserve water supplies by eliminating leaks and bursts on its network.

The main provides a strategic link by transferring water from Ronague Service Reservoir above Earystane into Ballakillowey, Surby and Port Erin (west) and has been failing with increased frequency affecting over 200 customers.

Chairman Tim Baker said, “We remain committed to replacing aging water main on the Island and I am grateful to Treasury for reducing the usual tender period which has allowed our team and contractors to progress quickly with this installation, whilst taking advantage of the drier months of the year.  I would also like to thank land owners for their cooperation during this complex piece of work and the support of local Contractors Burroughs Stewart, PCS Ltd and SILVA Consulting.  On completion, this new water main will provide real benefit and much needed stability of customer supplies in the area.”

The project is programmed to be completed by the end of October 2021.  It will involve various challenging elements including working around the needs of local farmers on their land, river and highway crossings in addition to working around the current service which has to remain live.


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