Tue, 08 Oct 2019
Members of the public are invited to have a say on proposals to extend the short-term licenses granted for beer tents, pop-up bars and entertainment venues during TT, beyond the festival fortnight.
Currently the occasional licenses can cover up to 14 days of TT qualifying and race weeks - a trial proposed for 2020 would allow venues to operate for up to an additional seven days, spread either side of TT.
The Department of Home Affairs has powers under the Licensing Act 1995 to make an Order temporarily changing the length of occasional licenses for a specific period.
A public consultation has been launched by Government, to gather views from those who may be impacted by the change, traders and members of the public.
If agreed, the Act would be modified to allow occasional licences to be granted from Wednesday 27 May to Tuesday 16 June 2020.
The deadline for submissions to the Consultation on Liquor Licensing (Occasional Licenses) Order 2019 closes at 5pm on Friday 1st November.