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Never-say-die Kermode grabs Games score

Wed, 30 Aug 2017

Laxey shooter Gemma Kermode made the long trip to Aberdeen in search of Commonwealth Games qualifying scores - and she bagged them, but not without overcoming some major gremlins.

Having entered a Scottish Target Shooting 3P Grand Prix at the excellent Denwood range equipped with state-of-the-art electronic targets, she found her troubles began when she and her kit were locked out of her car!

She enlisted the RAC to get her out of that one and, thanks to the understanding organisers,began her match 45 minutes late (which is allowed under the rules), albeit hampered by a cold.

Coach Harry Creevy takes up the tale: 'Then she came down with a migraine during the match. A very upset Gem was on the phone looking for guidance. She had just got through her kneeling phase when the migraine struck... with time in hand she waited for the migraine medication to kick in.

'With less than an hour left she decided to give it a go and finished the match with a minute to spare.' The last shot was an 8... but more importantly it was another Minimum Consideration Score for Gold Coast.

A huge pat on the back to Gemma for not giving up under extreme circumstances and producing a great score.

Meanwhile, the Isle of  Man Shooting Club's AGM is being held at the Sinclair Range on Monday September 4 while Castletown Rifle Club hold their AGM on Monday September 11, at 8.00 pm, at  their range.

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