Wed, 05 Apr 2017
Nominations for the vacancy on the Legislative Council open this morning.
The Council has been a member short since Tony Wild retired due to ill health earlier this year.
Speaker of the House of Keys Juan Watterson signed the Standing Order at this week's sitting, confirming nominations will be open the next four weeks from 9am.
A hustings will take place on May 5th before the vote on May 18th.
Names must be put forward by MHKs, but any resident aged over 21 and not a Government employee is eligible to stand.
The House of Keys has approved a number of changes to the election process, including letting the public know who MHKs vote for, and allowing candidates to take up the post as long as they receive a majority.
Some previous LegCo elections have taken several rounds of voting to find a candidate that receives the support of the House of Keys.