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Rifle Shooting

Thu, 02 Jun 2016

The ever improving Sharon Drysdale claimed the June Monthly Handicap which was shot a week earlier due to the following week being Mad Sunday. Drysdale’s series were very consistent and she continues to improve with each competition. Mike Duncalf’s 591 gave him second position once his handicap had been added and junior shooter Alex Trafford, shot extremely well in third.


Full Results were:-

1 - Sharon Drysdale                94, 96, 97, 95, 96, 96 = 574 + 35 = 609

2 - Mike Duncalf                     99, 99, 97, 98, 99, 99 = 591 + 16 = 607

3 - John Brewis                        93, 95, 93, 94, 94, 98 = 567 + 38 = 605

=4 - Alex Trafford (J)               95, 94, 97, 95, 97, 97 = 575 + 28 = 603

=4 - Rhys Keown (J)                 95, 92, 92, 89, 89, 86 = 543 + 60 = 603

6 - Perryn Watson                   95, 96, 93, 93, 95, 93 = 565 + 35 = 600

7 - Bill Jones                            93, 96, 96, 96, 97, 98 = 576 + 19 = 595

8 - Nick Brown                        95, 95, 96, 92, 95, 95 = 568 + 26 = 594

9 - Matthew Roosen (J)           90, 84, 89, 92, 96, 89 = 540 + 38 = 578

10 - Graham Wyatt                 91, 91, 84, 93, 81, 89 = 529 + 35 = 564

11 - Tracey Skelton                 DNF


Junior 50 metre Grand Prix Round 2

            Following his third slot in the Monthly Handicap, Alex Trafford also took the win in the Junior 50 metre Grand Prix. Special mention must go to a very determined junior shooter, fourteen year old Rhys Keown, who shot a personal best decimal score in this event 98.9, 96.5, 97.2, 94.0, 93.8, 91.0 = 571.4 which converts to a standard score of 543, a little below his PB in the normal scoring system.

Results were:-

1 - Alex Trafford                     95, 94, 97, 95, 97, 97 = 575

2 - Rhys Keown                        95, 92, 92, 89, 89, 86 = 543

3 - Matthew Roosen               90, 84, 89, 92, 96, 89 = 540


Osborn Carpets First 600 – round 6

            An excellent decimal of 615.0 gave Ben Kelly a significant win from Tom Lord on 610.6 in this week’s Osborn Carpets first 600 round 6. Although in second place, Lords score once again showed superior shooting for a veteran. Mike Duncalf managed third slot, prior to leaving the Island for a match at Bisley along with Tracey Skelton and Gemma Kermode – good luck to all.  It appears that the TT practices had an impact on entries for this week’s matches as just 14 managed to start the competition but it was good to see Ashley Gardner on the line as his work has in past weeks prevented his entry.


Results were:-

1 - Ben Kelly                            102.6, 102.6, 102.6, 100.9, 102.7, 103.6        = 615.0

2 - Tom Lord                           101.0, 103.2, 103.2, 101.3, 102.7, 99.2          = 610.6

3 - Mike Duncalf                     101.0, 102.5, 101.4, 101.8, 102.3, 101.2        = 610.2

4 - Ashley Gardner                  103.8, 101.0, 99.8, 98.9, 101.7, 103.3            = 608.5

5 - Derek Kermode                 101.8, 100.2, 100.1, 102.0, 99.6, 100.6          = 604.3

6 - John Brewis                        99.2, 102.6, 100.0, 101.6, 98.9, 98.3             = 600.6

7 - Sharon Drysdale                99.8, 98.4, 99.0, 102.1, 100.1, 100.5             = 599.9

8 - Tracey Skelton                   100.7, 99.2, 99.3, 98.2, 99.3, 102.7                = 599.4

9 - Nick Brown                        101.8, 100.6, 98.4, 98.9, 95.1, 102.5             = 597.3

10 - Bill Jones                          99.6, 101.1, 101.3, 102.2, 96.5, 93.0             = 593.7

11 - Matthew Roosen                         98.1, 93.3, 98.1, 99.6, 99.1, 100.0                  = 588.2

12 - Tony Kneale                     95.2, 98.0, 97.8, 94.1, 99.0, 99.0                    = 583.1

13 - Jackie Gardner                 98.1, 94.0, 92.5, 94.7, 94.7, 93.0                    = 567.0

14 - Rhys Keown                      98.5, 88.5, 94.9, 95.6, 92.2, 94.5                    = 564.2


Class Awards –

Class A –

1 - Ben Kelly                            615.0

2 - Mike Duncalf                     610.2

3 - Tracey Skelton                   599.4

4 - Bill Jones                            593.7

Class B –

1 - Tom Lord                           610.6

2 - Ashley Gardner                  608.5

3 - Derek Kermode                 604.3

4 - Nick Brown                        597.3

Class C –

1 - John Brewis                        600.6

2 - Sharon Drysdale                599.9

3 - Matthew Roosen               588.2

4 - Tony Kneale                       583.1

5 - Jackie Gardner                   567.0

6 - Rhys Keown                        564.2



Empire Garage Tynwald Shield Handicap

            After a win on the previous morning, Sharon Drysdale continued her winning ways in the Empire Garage Tynwald Shield on Monday evening. Drysdale was disappointed with just one of her series as it was a little on the low side but the remainder were very constant. John Brewis managed second slot with the Osborn Carpets winner, Ben Kelly and Ashley Gardner claiming equal third.


Full result:-

1 - Sharon Drysdale                97, 92, 94, 98, 95, 96 = 572 + 35 = 607

2 - John Brewis                        94, 99, 94, 97, 94, 93 = 571 + 35 = 606

=3 - Ben Kelly                          99, 99, 98, 96, 98, 99 = 589 + 16 = 605

=3 - Ashley Gardner                99, 97, 96, 96, 96, 99 = 583 + 22 = 605

5 - Mike Duncalf                     96, 99, 97, 98, 99, 97 = 586 + 16 = 602

6 - Derek Kermode                 96, 96, 95, 97, 96, 96 = 576 + 24 = 600

7 - Matthew Roosen               94, 89, 92, 95, 96, 95 = 561 + 38 = 599

8 - Nick Brown                        97, 97, 95, 94, 90, 99 = 572 + 26 = 598

9 - Rhys Keown                        94, 84, 90, 92, 87, 90 = 537 + 60 = 597

10 - Tom Lord                                     95, 99, 98, 95, 97, 95 = 579 + 15 = 594

11 - Tracey Skelton                 96, 96, 94, 95, 94, 97 = 572 + 20 = 592

12 - Tony Kneale                     91, 94, 93, 90, 95, 94 = 557 + 29 = 586

13 - Bill Jones                          95, 96, 98, 98, 92, 87 = 566 + 19 = 585

14 - Jackie Gardner                 94, 89, 88, 91, 89, 88 = 539 + 35 = 574


Sadler Junior Championship – Round 6

            The Sadler Championship continues but on this occasion Alex Trafford was missing which I presume was due to the TT road closures but Matthew Roosen took advantage and posted a good series of three scores to take the win in round 6 and it was good to see Jackie Gardner on the range once again.


Full result:-

1 - Matthew Roosen               98.1, 93.3, 98.1 = 289.5

2 - Jackie Gardner                   98.1, 94.0, 92.5 = 284.6

3 - Rhys Keown                        98.5, 88.5, 94.9 = 281.9



First Names (IoM) Limited – Corporate event – Part Two

            The second team from local company, First Names (IoM) Ltd shot on Thursday in the IoM Shooting Club’s Corporate League and yet again, it appears that an entertaining evening was had by all. Unfortunately, the second team did not manage to beat the previous week’s ten highest scores.

1 - Michael Cowin                   93.4, 96.5 = 189.9 x 200.0                           

2 - Andy Finch                                     86.6, 91.6 = 178.2                           

3 - Kyle Caine                          98.2, 79.3 = 177.5                         

4 - Martin Smallwood                         89.0, 85.1 = 174.1                         

5 - Donna-Jay Richards           87.3, 86.1 = 173.4

6 - James Ramsey                   88.1, 84.8 = 172.9

7 - Danna Callow                    85.6, 86.1 = 171.7

8 - Jon Hodge                          84.9, 86.0 = 170.9

9 - Gary Bews                          85.5, 84.5 = 170.0

10 - Craig Brown                     89.3, 80.6 = 169.9

giving a team score of                              1748.5


Additional shooters

11 - Chris McKernan               81.9, 79.1 = 161.0

12 - Joanne Glassey                77.3, 81.0 = 158.3

13 - Sharon Lannigan              73.3, 83.9 = 157.2

14 - Andrew Quirk                  70.8, 76.6 = 147.4

15 - Gavin Dean                      47.2, 49.6 = 96.8


League Positions

First Names – ‘hit man ‘n her’          1787.9

First Names – Second week’s team  1748.5

Bridgewaters (IoM) Ltd                     1687.0

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