Fri, 27 Apr 2012
The Department of Infrastructure can now bring in public rights of way on Langness.
A judgment made by Deemster Doyle yesterday found no reason to rule against the findings of a public enquiry held in 2009.
Landowners TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson and his wife Frances believe a public right of way so close to their property on Langness would breach their human rights.
However, the Deemster found the right of way of the public to be a higher priority.
The row over the public's right to walk on the footpaths at Langness has been ongoing for a number of years after the Clarksons closed off a section of a footpath running close to their kitchen window.
The report into the public enquiry was published in 2010, and found that there were a number of rights of way on the peninsula.
Several parties appealed against those findings, including the Clarksons, Castletown Golf Links and a farmer who works on the land.
Concerns were also raised over health and safety and criminal damage.
Deemster Doyle says the public must use rights of way in a legal and reasonable manner.