Wed, 18 Apr 2012
A motion which could have seen Government funded preschool education saved failed to gain enough support in Tynwald.
Speaker of the House of Keys Steve Rodan called for Tynwald to acknowledge the value of teacher-led preschool education.
He also wanted the Council of Ministers to find a way to provide a preschool provision on a universal basis, and report back to Tynwald by the July sitting.
The Legislative Council supported the motion voting 7 to 1 in favour, but the Keys saw 9 votes for and 13 against, meaning the motion was lost.
Department of Education and Children political members John Houghton and Zac Hall weren't present for the vote.
It means the DEC's plans to allow private operators to let their facilities whilst providing a £350 grant to parents will go ahead.
Earlier in the sitting, Chief Minister Allan Bell and Education Minister Peter Karran had emphasised that the funds weren't available to continue providing preschool places.