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Advocate to appeal against convictions

Sat, 26 Feb 2011

Douglas Courhouse, where Jenny Holt was sentenced
Douglas Courhouse, where Jenny Holt was sentenced

A local advocate found guilty of money laundering and falsifying records is to appeal against her conviction.


Jenny Holt was giving a 12 month suspended prison sentence yesterday for the role she played in a dishonest scheme cooked up by shamed tycoon Trevor Baines.


The 30 year old had denied handling £400,000 stolen by Baines from a trust fund to pay his legal bill.


However, a jury found Miss Holt guilty last month.


During sentence, Deemster Turner told Miss Holt her life had been a success story that had ended up in the dock of the number three court.


Miss Holt has lost her job and the court heard her life, from a professional point of view, has been destroyed.


The Deemster said she had acted criminally and foolishly but without gain, and it was with a heavy heart that he was imposing the 12 month suspended sentence.


Miss Holt will now begin proceedings to try to have her conviction over-turned.



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